Member-only story
Recovery Story #37, Wildflower Bouquet: Feeling Bad Can Lead to Wild Eating
My sugar/white flour addiction loves it when I wallow in darkness, self-pity and mental pain. After a day in bed, Miss Sugar, in her purple stilettos, crushes my heart and squeezes a puff of poison perfume on my brain. And then it seems like the only thing that will help is hunting down more sugar and white flour. It’s a vicious cycle. But I have hope. This is the next installment in the series I started on 1/31/21.
Many things lead me to feel bad, and feeling bad is the trigger my addiction craves. The gun goes off; the race to overeat begins. The joker’s wild, I’m plucking wildflowers from the side of the road — except the straggly picks are French bread with butter, the teenager’s treats in the fridge, the husband’s granola bars, the red canister of raisins. It’s a hunt in a hurry. Miss Sugar lurks on the sidelines, delighted, digging in her manicured nails. Examples of feeling bad:
- Remembering an alcoholic I loved deeply — someone I crocheted gray mittens for in the 1970s at The Yarn Center in Dumont. I think of how that person must have suffered with addiction, unable to put a cap on it. I wonder how it must have affected the immediate family. I mourn the cloaking and denial (yet as you can see, I sustain it, referring to “someone” and “that person”). I puzzle over secrets gone to the…