Hi Roy--
I was thinking about your words while doing the dishes and scrubbing the skillets tonight after dinner.
Especially this:
"I think instead of pivoting and being defensive, I think you should take the criticism and grow from it. Learn from it. Understand the plight of the Black family and how they are portrayed and then not fall into that trap again. Or better, reach out to them. You have said you didn’t name them for privacy sake. I call BS on that."
Thank you for saying I should try to meet with Fareed and Norrinda Hayat, and write a follow-up piece. I will contemplate that.
Again, I was trying to flesh out the portrayal of a woman I have know peripherally for many years. I was upset after reading The Cut article, with names of "Beer-pong mom" and others. Judgments. Thanks.
Sincerely, Alice