Addiction Recovery Story #24, Gladiola: Farewell to Shame

Alice Garbarini Hurley
5 min readMar 21, 2021

I’m lightening my footprint here on Earth, not just by skirting sugar but also by letting go of past mistakes that weigh down my heart and soul. This is #24 in my flower-titled story series about sugar/overeating addiction started January 31, 2121.

Dan bought a pack of Gladiolus bulbs last week at Home Depot. I can’t wait for them to bloom. But first we have to clear a patch in the soil, plant them, have faith and be patient. Link here.

To be honest, I have consciously avoided the Gladiola for our garden. Tall and topped with multiple ruffled blooms, it…



Alice Garbarini Hurley

Magazine maven, craft coffee lover, legal guardian. Passionate about fashion and lipstick — though it may not look that way when I dash to the supermarket.