Addiction Story #5, Johnny-jump-up: The Other Side of Shame

Alice Garbarini Hurley
6 min readFeb 4, 2021

Yesterday, I woke with a basket of shame, carrying my bad behavior as the mother, the grown woman, in this house. My head hung low. Today, I behaved in a sane way. This is #5 in my flower-titled story series about sugar addiction.

Fake Skipper and her fake phone. Image from HERE and thanks to (Note that term: Diversión Telefónica. Diversion, indeed.)

It’s 8:38 a.m. I’m taking the used Toyota (used, but in really great shape) to Jason Tire for an overdue oil change. Then I will walk…



Alice Garbarini Hurley

Magazine maven, craft coffee lover, legal guardian. Passionate about fashion and lipstick — though it may not look that way when I dash to the supermarket.